
Phacoemulsification System

Cost: $78, 750
Department: Cataract Surgery

  • Ultrasonic device is used to break up and then remove a cloudy lens, or cataract, from the eye to improve vision

  • Scheduled to complete 1,675 cataract surgeries in 2019-2020

  • WestView completes 21 cataract procedures/day about 2-3 days a week

  • The temperature settings are also safer (less risk of burns)

  • Current machine has helped over 20,000 people


Intellivue Patient Monitors 

Cost: $17, 650 (each)
Department: Day Surgery

  • 4 Required

  • Colon Cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed forms of cancer in Alberta

  • Affects 1 in 13 men & 1 in 16 in women

  • WestView Health Centre performs approximately 2,500 endoscopy procedures annually in an effort to screen, diagnose and treat colon cancer

  • New cardiac monitors that monitor ETC02 levels will provide a new level of safety for patients at WestView


Portable ultrasound machine

Cost: $75,400
Department: Emergency

  • Just like a stethoscope, the bedside ultrasound machine has become an essential tool for physicians working in any modern day emergency department

  • Invasive procedures that we once used to preform ‘blindly’ are now much safer because we can use ultrasound to guide us in real time

  • Never before have we been able to ’look inside’ a patient at the bedside and make a lifesaving diagnosis within minutes


AIRVO Humidification System


We still need one more.

Cost: $2,650 (each)
Department: Emergency

  • Devices will help patients breath when they need more oxygen than what current devices can provide

  • Devices can help patients of all ages in the facility and may increase the number of patients that we can keep within the site, instead of transferring to an urban center


Patient Beds

Cost: $7, 280 (each)
Department: Family Medicine

  • Mechanical bed frames help patients with recovery throughout the hospital

  • Ability to raise the head of the bed to assist patients with breathing difficulties, encourages patients to eat, and drink in a safe position in bed